Scoring My Best Year Yet Goals on the Road

Well, here I am in the Las Vegas airport awaiting my return flight back to San Francisco.

This morning I spoke at a business conference in Las Vegas on how to set and achieve business and life goals. It was fun to connect with business owners who want to step powerfully into 2013 with solid goals in place; goals that are in alignment with who they truly are and what they deeply want to create.

I am in the habit of scoring and setting up my next week’s Best Year Yet! goals on Mondays and even though I’m at the airport right now and it’s Monday, today is no different. One of the things I love about the Best Year Yet system (among many) is that this goal setting software is so portable.

So, even though I’m en route from Las Vegas back home to Marin County, I just scored last week’s goals and have set my goals for this next week. At the airport. I love it.

Some of my Best Year Yet! coaching clients score their goals monthly and forget to score or create their weekly goals. I find that scoring my goals on a regular, ongoing weekly basis keeps me on track. It only takes perhaps 15 minutes to score + set up my weekly goals and yet the benefits gained from that 15 minutes are enormous. When I review my weekly plan and create the plan for the week ahead I’ve then created the map for what I most want to accomplish/create/manifest in the next week. It’s easy!

I also find that my coaching clients who score their Best Year Yet goals on a regular, ongoing weekly basis create an even more incredible life with more tangible accomplishments and victories than those who only score monthly.

See how this works for you.  I’ve experienced first hand the results of scoring my goals weekly and have seen the massive benefits in the lives of my coaching clients who score and plan their goals on a weekly basis too.





Best Year

I love the new logo for Best Year Coaching!

Here’s a little background about the logo since I get a lot of questions from coaching clients about how the Best Year Coaching logo came to be:

I knew I wanted the sense of freedom, ease, joy and living a ‘technicolor life’ to be a part of the logo because those are the elements, among many, that I’ve personally experienced in my own best year creations.

I wanted a tree because they are rooted (grounded), yet the leaves and branches are flexible and sway with the wind. This grounded, flexible quality is something I wanted portrayed in my logo because when I am grounded and flexible I find I am living from my most potent place and most easily able to step fully and powerfully into my best year.

Our best years are often waiting for us to be available to them, to step in and say a big and hearty YES to them in a grounded and flexible way. Grounded to me means taking actions needed to create my best year. Flexibility is being able to bend and not get broken by the twists and turns of life.

There is a certain amount of surrender involved in being flexible and that’s why I wanted the tree/person image to be open and receptive. And from the sweet spot of being grounded, flexible, surrendered, combined with conscious intention and action through working the Best Year Yet!® plan, we begin to grow, shift and change. Our lives are then lived in full, vivid color with all our energy available to step powerful into our best year.

So…that’s a snapshot of how the Best Year Coaching logo came to be. I look forward to helping you create your own technicolor life!