Stepping out of the Comfort Zone

“Do one thing every day that scares you.”  -Eleanor Roosevelt

Ms. Roosevelt may have died long ago (in 1962) but she remains a vivid heroine of mine. She practiced what she preached: she did a lot of things that scared her.

Here are just a few:

She was very shy and yet she became an empowered and eloquent public speaker. She married her 5th cousin (um, hello, that’s scary…what a brave lass) who, as we all know, later became President. She became the first wife of a president to hold all-female press conferences (this in 1933 when women were supposed to be barefoot and hanging out with a spatula and griddle -and a girdle- in the kitchen). She kicked some bootie, this one.

Because she was willing to go to places that scared her.

I’m finding the more I say a big and hearty YES (and sometimes even a timid and tiny yes will do) to the things that scare me is where my life really expands exponentially. Colors become more vivid. My pulse gets stronger and more steady. My heart begins to beat in time with those who are on a similar journey–to create a life beyond our wildest dreams.

Go get ’em, tiger. Be willing to stretch today to go beyond your comfort zone.