
“The beginning is the most important part of the work.”  -Plato

This morning I woke up to quite a number of signups for the Best Year Coaching Starter Package. It made me downright giddy to think of all the people who are ready to create their best year yet.

Here’s the thing: people don’t sign up for this process unless they are ready to change something (or a whole lot of somethings) in their lives. This work involves shapeshifting. And guess what? Shift happens. This goal setting process is a  tangible, logical-yet-intuitive way to achieve heart’s desires. It’s so cool. You are going to love it.

There are three things I want you to know about me and my relationship to Best Year Coaching:

1. It is a sacred honor for me to be able to do this work. 

2. I don’t take that sacred honor lightly (except when the work requires both of us to lighten up). 

3. I love (add about a hundred ‘loves’) helping people create their best years.

The Initial Coaching session is where it all begins.

And like the wise guy Plato says, “The beginning is the most important part of the work.”
